Packaging Design Cream "Valio"
Design concept of high-protein chips "Diet"
New Year's design of dumplings packaging "SK"
Design of chips, bran TM "Racionika"
Design of tea "ASTRO TEE" for the market of Austria and Germany
Design of coffee TM "Natujoy" for the markets of Austria and Germany
Design concept of TM chips "Whoopies" for children
Design of protein pancakes TM "Amalfi food" Bahrain
Macaroon design TM "Letarti" company "Akulchev" for the markets of Russia and the USA
Design of ice cream TM "One field of berries" company "Morozoff"
Wine design TM "Moliere" France
Design of beer label "Zhigulevskoe"
Packaging design for cheese "Viola"
Design of beer label "Arsenalnoye"
Design packaging for cigarettes "Saint George"
Packaging design for oat product "Velle"
Packaging design for ice cream
Packaging design for nuts
Packaging design for a beer "Сooler"
Design packaging for cookies
Packaging design for lemonade "Ah!"
Packaging design of washing powder
Packaging design for cigarettes "More"
Packaging design for sour cream "Valio"
Packaging design for ice cream "Jam Party"
Label design for beer "Yarpivo"
Packaging Design for Home Credit Bank
Design of beer label "Gorkovskoe"
Packaging design for ice cream "Gostorg"
Packaging design for seafood "Globster"
Packaging design for the cream "Campina"
Packaging design for cigarettes "Saint George Super Slims"
Tea packaging design
Packaging design for a cake "Caramelka"
Packaging design for the production of turkey "Krasnobor"
Packaging design for potato chips "Moscow potato"
Design of beer label for the Kazakh market "Dostuk"
Packaging design for jam
Azov confectionary factory. New Year's packaging.
Design concept dumplings "DAMPL'S" TM "Siberian Collection"
Design concept "Fluffy plain pancakes" for Bahrain
The concept of a healthy snack
Design concept cupcakes "Funny Bears" for
Design concept for TM "Unicus Naturalis" premium cat food
Development of concept design for chocolates TM "Sl'astoria". Design created by Dream Catchers.
Packaging design dairy products TM "Slavushka" company "Morozoff"
Design concept for TM "Charlize" for Dream Catchers
Design concept for food packaging TM "Chistyulya" for Dream Catchers
Design of packaging for cider "Red Rooster"
Design concept for bars of TM "Ol Light" Novaproduct for Dream Catchers
Design-concept of sauces TM "Dat" for Dream Catchers
Design concept for cold tea TM "HAN" for Dream Catchers
Design concept for juices and fruit purees of TM "Ecil" for Dream Cathers
Design concept ice cream TM "Ice Cream on Cream" for Dream Catchers
Design concept tea TM "Susan" for Dream Cathers
Design concept for the TM "Zhili-Byli" for Dream Cathers
Design concept for delicacies and sausages of TM "Dymov" for Dream Cathers
Design concept beer TM "Franz Klinka" for Dream Catchers
Design concept TM "4 seasons" for Dream Catchers
Redesign of packaging for macaron TM "Akulchev"
Design ice cream TM "Slavushka"
Fluffy pancakes packaging design. Product of Bahrain.
Design concept for packaging chips "Moscow Potato" Limited Edition
Design of children's dumplings TM "Limpoposhki" for the company "Morozoff"
Concept design ice cream "Minskoe" (for sale, write to the mail)
Concept design beer "Honey Ale" (for sale, write to the mail)
Donut packaging design TM "Pon donut" N'Medov
Design wafers TM "Akulchev"